“Do I have to?” “I’d rather not.” “I’m not a fan.” These are all responses I’ve heard from clients when I’ve invited them to go deeper into their psyches. Few people are eager to explore the depths of their...
Think back to your childhood. How would you describe it? How would you describe yourself? How did it feel to be a kid? Adults often have a romanticized notion of childhood. As if being a kid is simple, carefree and easy. Was that your experience? Or do you feel sad or...
I’m a worthless piece of shit. That’s the narrative that played in my unconscious mind for years. Though I was sometimes aware of feeling this way, I didn’t realize how it permeated everything I experienced until a cataclysmic event sent it careening to the surface of...
As a child, I loved playing with Matryoshka dolls. I would study each one, taking in the similarities and the slight differences between them. I was fascinated by how they fit into each other, how they were all separate but were also all one. Nowadays, when working...
“Waaah, I don’t want to!” “It’s not fair!” “You can’t make me!” Three months into this pandemic and some of us are really starting to sound like whiney children. Truth be told, we’ve ALL felt like whiney children at times. Our world has been turned upside down....
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