What if you gave yourself permission to be beautiful? Not in the lofty sense of appreciating your “inner” beauty, but in a way that truly celebrates your physical beauty. It sounds simple but it’s not. At least not for many. Not in a culture that presents messages...
“My mother is my best friend, I can rely on her for anything. She knows me better than anyone and is always present and supportive.” Does this statement make you want to puke? Do you have an entirely different experience with your mother? When you think about your...
Having trouble sleeping? Struggling with physical intimacy? Do you often feel sick and/or tired? Do you cringe when someone touches you unexpectedly? Your body may be reacting to unhealed trauma. Before you shrug and assume this doesn’t apply to you, be aware...
“Love yourself.” “Stay positive.” “Focus on your blessings.” Sound advice, but easier said than done. Everyone struggles to love themselves at times. We all have moments of doubt or insecurity. But for some people, self loathing is...
This is the time of year when I, like many others, think about what I’ll do in the coming months to get in shape. I don’t make resolutions per se, but I set goals. The last couple of years, I’ve wanted to lose 5-10 pounds, to eat more vegetables, and to exercise more...
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