How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

Are you a self saboteur? Of course you are. We all are in one way or another. What this means is that you subconsciously sabotage your success. I see this all the time in therapy. People make the effort to find and sign on with a therapist but then derail their...
Listen to Your Ancestors

Listen to Your Ancestors

I could feel her pain as if it were my own, and it was excruciating. An ocean of sorrow crashed against me, inside my body. I wailed and wept, utterly overwhelmed by the intensity of emotions. I saw blood. A miscarriage. I felt the mother’s grief. She was a...
Who’s Afraid of Shadow Work?

Who’s Afraid of Shadow Work?

 “Do I have to?” “I’d rather not.” “I’m not a fan.” These are all responses I’ve heard from clients when I’ve invited them to go deeper into their psyches. Few people are eager to explore the depths of their...
Using Archetypes for Guidance and Growth

Using Archetypes for Guidance and Growth

What was your favorite toy as a child? Mine was Barbie, without question. I had a ridiculous number of them and pretty much never wanted to play with anything else. Sometimes I played with my sister, but mostly I enjoyed playing alone. I enjoyed traveling deep into...