Desperately Seeking Shakti

Desperately Seeking Shakti

Shakti is a Hindu goddess, but she is more than a figure of divinity. Shakti is the embodiment of cosmic energy that flows through the universe. Shakti is the source of creation, change, and destruction. She takes the form of other goddesses–Parvati, Durga, and...

The Sacred Art of Parenting

The Sacred Art of Parenting

Parenting is hard. We hear that a lot. We know. Many of us strive to be the best parents we can possibly be, knowing that we don’t have all of the answers and we are likely to make some mistakes. This is beautiful and admirable and undoubtedly beneficial to our kids....

Moving Beyond Fake News and Inflammatory Garbage

Moving Beyond Fake News and Inflammatory Garbage

Was parenting always this hard? Or was it simpler in the age of sweeping things under the rug? I like to think that modern parenting helps us develop stronger bonds with our kids. We engage our kids in conversation. We respect them. We offer choices. We listen. That’s...

Dear Humans, Quit Making the Same Mistakes

Dear Humans, Quit Making the Same Mistakes

They say that if you don’t learn from your mistakes you’re doomed to repeat them. Similarly, if you fail to heed messages from the universe, they will continue to show up until you take notice. If there is a repeating pattern in your life, it’s time to pay attention....

Wisdom Sharing: Elder Bill

Wisdom Sharing: Elder Bill

I recently came across an organization called Elder Wisdom Circle*, which offers free anonymous advice to people online. The advice is given by volunteers, “virtual grandparents,” ages 60 and up. Anyone is welcome to submit a question. Most who do are between the ages...

5 Tips for Slaying Your Green Eyed Monster

5 Tips for Slaying Your Green Eyed Monster

Envy. One of the Seven Deadly Sins. “Thou Shall not Covet,” says The Ten Commandments. Greek and Roman mythology is fraught with examples of jealous gods/goddesses. Scholars have contemplated the topic, psychologists have researched it. Clearly jealousy/envy is a...

8 Ways to Support and Empower Sensitive Kids

8 Ways to Support and Empower Sensitive Kids

“Quit being so sensitive,” “Stop crying,” “Get over it,” “What’s the matter with you?” “Why do you have to be so emotional?” I used to hear this sort of thing all the time. As a kid, I cried a lot. I often felt sad. I had trouble expressing my anger appropriately....

The Quest for Identity: A National Crisis

The Quest for Identity: A National Crisis

The theme that has come up more than any other when counseling adolescents and teens has been identity. Kids struggle to understand who they are and how they want to present themselves to the world. They tend to find some sense of self through their interactions with...

Ugh, It’s New Year’s Eve

Ugh, It’s New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is so overrated. It is my least favorite day of the year. First of all, I can’t stand goodbyes, even if I’m only saying goodbye to an arbitrary marking of time. There are always reasons to feel sad–unfortunate events, loved ones lost, hard times...