The Dark Side of Mother’s Day

The Dark Side of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day isn’t all sunshine and flowers and all-you-can-eat breakfast buffets. There is a dark side to the day that often goes unrecognized. Mother’s (and Father’s) Day is painful for many people for so many reasons. Sometimes this is due loss of a parent or a...

Dealing with a Jam-Packed Schedule

Dealing with a Jam-Packed Schedule

You’ve got a maxed out, overly full, bursting at the seams, puking up appointments kind of schedule. You may start with work or routine responsibilities, then add some family or social obligations, perhaps you want to expand your education or enhance your personal or...

Forget Resolutions, Evoke Transformation

Forget Resolutions, Evoke Transformation

As we stand on the threshold of another year, many people are contemplating and setting their resolutions. We all know that many of those resolutions will be abandoned or forgotten in a few weeks or months. Resolutions tend to set people up for failure, effectively...

Permission to Be Lazy

Permission to Be Lazy

I recently found myself with some unexpected time on my hands. I knew I had a ton to do but as I tried to consider what that was, my brain froze and I drew a blank. I couldn’t think of anything. I started to get anxious, knowing that time was wasting and I had to make...

Autumn Brings a Reckoning

Autumn Brings a Reckoning

Today is the last day of summer. Despite the colorful glory of autumn, I have never been a fan of this time of year. I know, I know, some of you reading this are appalled, confounded, maybe even offended. But before you throw your pumpkin spice latte in my face or...

Surviving Life’s Unexpected Plot Twists

Surviving Life’s Unexpected Plot Twists

You land your dream job, but you have a boss who makes your life miserable. You plan the perfect party and no one shows up. You finally meet a person you really like but they don’t feel the same way about you. You receive a nice bonus check and then your car breaks...

Don’t Be Afraid, Make Anxiety Your Friend

Don’t Be Afraid, Make Anxiety Your Friend

“People are frightened by what they don’t understand.” ~Joseph Merrick It’s human nature to be fearful of the unknown and to prefer the comfort of familiarity. Many strive to stay safely in their comfort zones. However, new experiences provide great opportunity for...

Aging is an Extraordinary Process

Aging is an Extraordinary Process

“She looks great for her age.” How many times have you heard that? It’s a compliment, right? Not really. Praising physical appearance doesn’t acknowledge a person’s character and measuring praise by a standard of youthfulness fails to honor an important part of life....

Wrestling with Money

Wrestling with Money

I’ve been embroiled in a knock down, drag out battle for months. I am weary from being pushed around, kicked in the gut, and trapped in a death grip. I’ve cried out for mercy but it hasn’t helped. Whenever I think the fight is finally over, I’m pinned down again. The...

Overcoming Feelings of Failure

Overcoming Feelings of Failure

Today I feel like a failure. I may feel differently tomorrow, or even an hour from now, but right now I feel like a failure. A bad public speaking experience is triggering this for me right now. But this is what happens. This is what we do–human beings tend to...