“Thought cannot solve any human problem, for thought itself is the problem.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I offer a unique form of wellness coaching called “shadow journeying.”
If you’ve done counseling or deep personal development work but still feel stuck, this may be a good option for you. The mind can only take you so far in support of your emotional healing. There comes a point when it is most beneficial to allow intuition to take the lead. Shadow Journeying blends practical and magical strategies to support integrating parts of self that you’ve repressed or rejected.
This is SOUL work.
The root of disturbance is often buried deep in the psyche, in the subconscious mind. Dissociation, repressed memories, energetic absorption or even past life experiences may be affecting your present emotional experience. Shadow Journeying offers an opportunity to heal on a deep spiritual level.
Personal Story
Everyone has a story. But we don’t often tell the whole story. We often feel like our stories don’t matter enough to be told. Sometimes our stories are buried beneath a pile of shame and fear. We hide them away out of fear of negative judgment or pain. When stories become secrets they grow toxic. We think they’re tucked safely away but they seep out as anxiety, depression, anger or physical ailments.
There is incredible healing power in telling your story. Simply releasing it in a safe, nonjudgmental space is enough. Having your experiences witnessed and held with compassion can transform how you relate to them. It can release a long held burden and present a path forward that you would never find otherwise.
No matter what your story, you can still create the happy ending you deserve.

The Deep Dive
Have you done counseling but still feel like you’re getting stuck? Maybe you made some progress but then hit a wall and no longer feel like it’s helping. Maybe you’ve been put off by talk therapy, feeling like you’ve talked yourself in circles, like a dog chasing its own tail. Maybe you’ve done a lot of emotional healing work on your own. You’ve reached a point where you know additional support could be helpful but you don’t know where to turn. Traditional counseling doesn’t seem right. Nor does seeking a spiritual guru.
The Deep Dive blends therapeutic strategy with spiritual healing practices. It heals trauma and addresses the mysterious fractures in your soul. This is a unique approach to mental health, emotional wellness, and personal growth. The emphasis is on creating balance and coming into alignment with yourself.
The process begins with information gathering. We look at things like your natal chart, your Human Design type, your life history, your health history, your present frustrations and your future goals. The unfolding of sessions depends on these various factors and is customized to suit your specific needs. Empowering YOU and helping you access your own intuitive wisdom is paramount to the process.
Sessions may include therapies like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) or IFS (Internal Family Systems); mindfulness or visualization practices; intuitive visioning; or energetic clearing. We may use divination tools, rituals, art, or somatic strategies, depending on your needs and comfort.
The Deep Dive integrates Mind, Body and Soul. I serve as a witness and a guide in this process. I help you get on track so that you can continue to follow your path with skill and confidence. I am not here to heal you, I’m here to help you heal yourself.
The Quick Dip
You want to make some changes in your life. Maybe you want to increase your confidence or improve your communication skills. Perhaps you have a particular goal you want to achieve but you’re not exactly sure how to get there. Or possibly you’re ready to take a quantum leap but fear is holding you back.
The Quick Dip (aka, “The Quickie”) will help you identify blocks and limiting beliefs so that you can move forward with confidence and success. The process begins with a 30 minute remote conversation where we determine your goal and develop a plan of action. Four 50 minute sessions will provide guidance and support to keep you on track.
This won’t get into trauma healing or intense excavations of your psyche. Instead, we’ll note what comes up and cultivate practices to help you build confidence and make important/exciting changes in your life.
It is my sincere honor to support you on your journey

Personal Story
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~Maya Angelou.
Story telling is an incredibly powerful method of emotional healing. In this 90 minute session, I serve as a witness and a guide. Together we explore and honor your personal story (your whole life or a portion of it–whatever feels right for you) . You will gain a sense of relief, peace, and wisdom through the process.

Deep Dive Package
“Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love.”
~Maza Dohta
This is an opportunity to incorporate story telling, spirituality and trauma work for deep healing of mind, body and soul. This package includes twelve 90 minute sessions, sacred space and preparation outside of sessions, as well as additional customized recommendations and resources for ongoing, lifelong transformation.
(payment plans available)

The Quickie
“The more the light in our own consciousness is lit, the more it creates a subtle effect in the world.”
~Swami Dhyan Giten
A brief coaching experience for those who prefer something less involved than The Deep Dive. Work towards a specific personal goal by accessing your innate strength, wisdom, and guidance with four 50 minute sessions and links to additional resources as needed. Eliminate blocks and limiting beliefs so you can make necessary/exciting changes in your life.