Reclaiming Ritual and Sacred Ceremony

Reclaiming Ritual and Sacred Ceremony

In middle school, I kept a scrapbook of all of the Bar and Bat Mitvahs I attended, which included fancy invitations, napkins and photographs. As a Jewish kid attending a Jewish school, I was invited to a lot of these events. Though I never had a Bat Mitzvah myself...

Are You Afraid of Your Own Shadow?

Are You Afraid of Your Own Shadow?

Are you afraid of shadow work? Plodding through shadow is something that comes so naturally to me that I forget that it can be intimidating for people. "Shadow Work" has become a trendy term lately. While I appreciate that more people are interested in self...

It’s OK for Life to be an Evolution

It’s OK for Life to be an Evolution

Who am I? We ponder that a lot when we're young. Perhaps not consciously but the first several years of adulthood are often spent in pursuit of the answer to this question. We seek ourselves in the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the people we hang out with...

Self Care Strategies for Maintaining Balance

Self Care Strategies for Maintaining Balance

How well do you maintain balance in life? Personally, I find it very difficult. My energy fluctuates a lot, my motivation is terribly inconsistent, I'm highly sensitive and often energetically overwhelmed, I'm sentimental and deeply emotional. All of this regularly...

Space Clearing as Spiritual Practice

Space Clearing as Spiritual Practice

My grandfather was a hoarder. Not as bad as what you see on TV, but several areas of his home were filled with boxes and piles of stuff. The basement was the worst. I always got the heeby-jeebies going down there, which I attributed to standard basement creepiness....

Movement is Medicine

Movement is Medicine

The first time I heard about ecstatic dance I rolled my eyes and shrugged it off as some hippie nonsense. I envisioned a bunch of people with lots of body hair pretentiously and annoyingly gyrating with cult-like verve, replete with body odor and intense eye contact....

Excavating Negative Core Beliefs with Shadow Work

Excavating Negative Core Beliefs with Shadow Work

I’m a worthless piece of shit. That’s the narrative that played in my unconscious mind for years. Though I was sometimes aware of feeling this way, I didn’t realize how it permeated everything I experienced until a cataclysmic event sent it careening to the surface of...

We’re Every Age We’ve Ever Been All at Once

We’re Every Age We’ve Ever Been All at Once

As a child, I loved playing with Matryoshka dolls. I would study each one, taking in the similarities and the slight differences between them. I was fascinated by how they fit into each other, how they were all separate but were also all one. Nowadays, when working...

Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~Albert Einstein All matter is energy. If you went to school...

Hell is Frozen

Hell is Frozen

In Norse mythology, Hel, the realm of the dead (also the name of the queen of that realm), is a cold and dark place rather than a fiery pit. Souls suffer in icy shadows. Every year I find myself in this place of misery. Seasonal depression is real and it's terrible. ...

A Word About Astrology

A Word About Astrology

Tell someone you're into Astrology and you'll likely to be met with a reaction similar to if you're a teenager who just said you believe in Santa Claus. A mixture of condescension, incredulity and pity. How can anyone with an intelligent brain believe in such...

Time Travel into the Past to Shed Unwanted Layers

Time Travel into the Past to Shed Unwanted Layers

Hello, 2021! With a new year comes a fresh start and a desire for change/growth. It feels great to release the old and begin anew. But that’s often easier said than done. Despite making resolutions or setting intentions most people swiftly slip back into familiar...